What's new on Keracult?

  • ✓ Insured premium shipping

    All shipments are automatically insured up to a value of €500 and delivered to you with premium shipping. If you live in Berlin, we can also arrange pick-ups.

  • ✓ Sustainable approach

    By choosing Keracult, you are rejecting mass production and supporting independent artisans and the local arts and crafts scene. All processes and material used are sustainable.

  • ✓ Keracult guarantee

    Keracult selects its pieces with care and works with local artists to ensure your satisfaction. Should you change your mind, you have 15 days to free return a piece.

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Gift cards are nice

Studio Visit: Des Vases

Immerse you into Berlin's dynamic ceramics scene and allowing you to meet its talented artists - that's Kera's mission. Last episode was a visit to Paula, alias Des Vases, in her Neukölln studio. Check her profile to get the the full story and discover her pieces.

Des Vases

Paula Casanovas, alias Des Vases, embarked on her journey into ceramics approximately...