Collection: MonsterPotterybyKoko
Bright eyes peer through the veil of grey reality. Small crooked teeth form into a smile and a bent ear focusses its full attention on the things we humans can't hear: FEELINGS! - ‘Did she just say the G-word in her mouth?’ YES!
When the little sound monsters come to life with their ups and downs, they are given a very special task: they make the invisible visible. Every emotion has many faces that want to speak to us. And so as not to be misunderstood, the monsters make a statement in the name of emotions: we are colourful, we are right. We are who we are, and that is not only legitimate, but also appropriate!
My attention to detail in each of these embodiments is no accident. Some time ago, I plucked up all my courage to set out on a new path. It's very bumpy, dusty and sometimes even haunted. At the time, I didn't want to look at my inner monsters and I was scared. But when I looked them in the eye for the first time, their menacing shell fell away. They turned out to be something fragile. Something that wants to be protected and seen. And now I want to bring that into the world.